
Showing posts from April, 2018

Why 'why'?

Have you ever thought, if nobody questioned anything, how would we come this far in terms of advancements and development?  'Why' is the beginning of a new change. 'Why' is where something completely new and different unfolds. 'Why' tells you that limitlessness has no limits. 'Why' is why we don't stop discovering and inventing.  Look around, everything you see began with a 'why'. When Newton asked why that apple fell down and not flew away in the sky, gravity was discovered. Many such well know theories, laws and other things came into existence when they asked 'why' and they were willing to know.  'Why' does not always help you discover something as great as gravity, 'why' does many other significant things on a smaller scale as well.  Certain events in your lives are probably holding you back; for once right now with a lot of courage and willingness try to look back, all over gain and think ...